How long has Jean Bates & Associates been in business?
Since 1975
Who will be the assigned Manager for our Association?
Will determine with contract signing
How much experience does this Manager have?
Discuss during interview
Which licenses or certifications does this Manager have?
Discuss during interview
To which professional organizations does Jean Bates & Associates belong?
California Association of Community Managers (CACM)
What are Jean Bates & Associates office hours?
8:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday through Friday
What form of after-hours service does Jean Bates & Associates provide?
24 hours with answering service contact to on call Manager
How will you help us run our Association efficiently?
Discuss a definitive plan during interview
If we are dissatisfied with the service being provided to us, whom do we contact within Jean Bates & Associates?
Manager then Operations Manager then Owner & President
Part II - Administrative
A. Meetings:
Will the assigned Manager attend monthly/every other month/quarterly board meetings?
As specified by Board in contract
Does Jean Bates & Associates offer an early meeting discount?
No, but will consider if a meeting is held between 9:00AM & 4:00PM
How many hours do you allow for meetings before extra charges are incurred?
2 1/2 Hours
How much do you charge per hour after the limit?
$125 in half hour increments
Does the Manager attend annual member meetings?
Will you prepare ballots and annual meeting notices?
Will you prepare agendas for all meetings?
Yes and in accordance with Civil Code
Are your Manager's reports to the board oral or written?
Does Jean Bates & Associates provide board meeting packages prior to the meeting? If so, how much in advance?
Yes, by Friday before the weekend before the meeting
If yes, do the meeting packages include:
Meeting Agenda- YES
Previous Meeting Minutes- YES
A Manager's Report- YES
Financial Reports/Statements- YES
Copies or List of Correspondence for past month- YES
List of Service Work Orders Pending & Completed- YES
Telephone Logs or journal entry of calls- Discuss
Assessment Delinquency Report- YES
Service bids and specifications- YES
B. Record Keeping:
Does Jean Bates & Associates maintain an owner roster?
How about a tenant roster?
Yes, if Known
Does Jean Bates & Associates use lot files for the units for keeping track of what occurs or has occurred with individual units.
Does Jean Bates & Associates have general files where you store the Association records? (Examples include accounting, insurance, roofs, landscaping, etc.)
Yes, at the main office
Does Jean Bates & Associates charge a storage fee for maintaining old Association files and records? If so, how much?
Yes, see flat rate sheet
C. Correspondence and Mailings:
Does Jean Bates & Associates send out any of the following? If yes, how much is charged the Association?
General Informational Letters- Yes, see flat rate sheet
Notices (e.g., utility outages)- Yes, however, owners get these anyway.
Monthly Newsletters- If contracted for and fee set
Welcoming Letter for New Owners- Yes, part of transfer fees
Other (Specify)- No, CC&R enforcement letters
Does Jean Bates & Associates primarily use e-mail to communicate with the Association Board Members?
Yes & no. All forms of correspondence are used, with e-mail generally preferred
D. Escrow Coordination:
Are Jean Bates & Associates costs billed to the Association or the owner?
Owner in escrow
How much does Jean Bates & Associates charge for a transfer fee?
See sheet provided in contract
How much does Jean Bates & Associates charge for a refinance fee?
See sheet provided in contract
Does Jean Bates & Associates charge for copies of any of the following documents? If so, how much?
Minutes [Civil Code Section 1363(k)]- See Sheet Provided In Contract
Articles of Incorporation- See Sheet Provided In Contract
CC&Rs- See Sheet Provided In Contract
Bylaws- See Sheet Provided In Contract
Rules and Regulations- See Sheet Provided In Contract
Financial Statements- See Sheet Provided In Contract
Statement/Demand of owner's account- See Sheet Provided In Contract
Statement of approved assessment increase- See Sheet Provided In Contract
Statement of restrictions in governing documents limiting the occupancy, residency or the use of a separate interest- See Sheet Provided In Contract
E. Enforcement of Rules and Regulations:
Does Jean Bates & Associates send out rule violation letters?
Does Jean Bates & Associates charge a fee for sending them?
Does Jean Bates & Associates procedures include the right to appeal?
This is done in accordance with California Civil Code
Does Jean Bates & Associates help the Board establish an appeal/hearing procedure?
California Civil Code prevails as to how
Part III - Financial
A. Bank Accounts:
Does Jean Bates & Associates keep all of the Association's bank accounts in the Association's name?
Does Jean Bates & Associates use trust accounts?
If yes, who gets the interest?
Will all of the Association's bank accounts be interest bearing?
Does Jean Bates & Associates maintain separate bank accounts for Association reserves?
Yes, that is your decision as to where
B. Bookkeeping and Accounting:
Does Jean Bates & Associates do bookkeeping in-house?
Yes, complete, all functions
How frequently does Jean Bates & Associates provide the Board Association financial statements?
Are cash receipts and disbursements statements submitted to the Board monthly or quarterly?
Does Jean Bates & Associates provide Association income statement show an actual-to-budget comparison?
How often are the bank statements reconciled?
How frequently does Jean Bates & Associates reconcile reserve accounts?
Monthly or when statement is received
Does Jean Bates & Associates provide each Board Member a copy of the reconciliations?
In the copied financial statement
Does Jean Bates & Associates financial statements show how much funds are in each of the Association's bank accounts?
C. Homeowner Assessments:
How does Jean Bates & Associates handle billing of Members for their monthly assessments? Are monthly statements or coupons used?
Monthly statements
Does Jean Bates & Associates use Direct Deposit or Lock Box to the bank?
Both, however lock box is preferred
If the assessments are received at the office, how often are deposits sent to the bank?
Twice per week
D. Accounts Payable:
Are invoices compared to bids/contracts/work orders before payment for services/products are made?
Yes, by the Manager
Who approves payment for services/products invoiced to the Association?
Who signs Association checks and how many signatures do you recommend?
The Board Treasurer, two signatures are always done
After the disbursements have been made, how does Jean Bates & Associates file the paid invoices? By month? By vendor?
By Month, chronologically
E.Delinquency Collections:
Does Jean Bates & Associates send out a notice at least annually describing the Association's delinquency collection policies and practices in enforcing lien rights?
Yes, required by Civil Code, with budget
Does Jean Bates & Associates encourage negotiated payment plans before going to collection agencies?
That is up to the Board
Is the delinquency collection process handled in-house or by an outside company?
Out sourced per contract with Pro Solutions or other Board choice
Are there any additional costs for the delinquency collection? If yes, what are they and how much?
Yes, see proposal
Does Jean Bates & Associates bill the Association or the delinquent member?
Both. The Association pays and levy reimbursement assess on owner.
Delinquency report provided monthly or quarterly?
Monthly, but usually at Board Meetings
Is the report written or oral?
F. Association Budgets:
Will Jean Bates & Associates prepare a pro forma budget?
Does Jean Bates & Associates coordinate budget preparation with the Board?
Does Jean Bates & Associates bill an individual homeowner for a copy of the approved budget?
Does Jean Bates & Associates do the entire reserve study?
Does Jean Bates & Associates oversee the preparation of a reserve study by an outside party?
How often is the reserve study conducted?
Per Civil Code, three year intervals
G. Annual Financial Statement Audit/Review & Taxes:
Does Jean Bates & Associates coordinate the activities involved in the annual audit or review?
Does Jean Bates & Associates distribute the review/audit report? When?
Yes, within 120 days after fiscal year end
Does Jean Bates & Associates charge an individual homeowner for a copy of the review/audit report?
Mailed to all owners yearly, and Yes, extra copies can be made per Civil Code
Does Jean Bates & Associates have controls to ensure that the Association's taxes are paid on a timely basis?
Does Jean Bates & Associates prepare the 1099s for all of the Association's unincorporated vendors?
Part IV - Maintenance, Repairs and Janitorial Services
Does Jean Bates & Associates use a list of pre-cleared contractors/vendors?
Does Jean Bates & Associates provide a list of the Association's vendors to Board Members on a regular basis?
Yes, will be at each meeting, if requested
Does Jean Bates & Associates request the following information from a contractor BEFORE awarding a contract for major work?
Contractor's License- Yes
Certificate of Insurance- Yes
Illness and Injury Prevention Program (IIPP)- Yes
Eligibility for Bonding- Yes
List of References- Yes
Professional Certificates- Yes
Does Jean Bates & Associates file and retain this information?
At what monetary threshold does Jean Bates & Associates obtain multiple bids?
$1000 or more unless Board changes
How many bids does Jean Bates & Associates obtain for these jobs?
Does your company supervise the vendors/contractors?
Does Jean Bates & Associates inspect or tour major projects periodically during the project? If so, how often?
Yes, depending on scope could require a professional construction Manager
Does Jean Bates & Associates provide any in-house maintenance services for the Associations you manage? If yes, what kind of services and what are the rates?
No, not at this time
Part V - Management Fees
What is your proposed monthly property management fee?
Please see proposal.
What services are included in this fee?
Please see proposal.
Will there be a start-up or close-out fee?
Yes, $5 per door
What hourly rates are charged for services by company employees beyond that covered by the monthly fee?
$125 for Manager, $75 for bookkeeping,clerical, or secretarial
Part VI - Charges and Extra Services
Does Jean Bates & Associates provide any of the following to the Association? If so, what are the extra costs, if any?
Legal Advice- No
Insurance Claims Submission and Facilitation- Facilitation
Revision of Association Legal Documents- No, attorney of your choice would do
Negotiating & Administering Large Contracts- Yes and No
Please attach a list of charges for various other supplies and services to include such items as copies, coupons or statements, postage, envelopes, faxes or e-mail messages, mileage by company employees, other office supplies, fees for depositing receipts, check stock, etc.
See Proposal Flat Rate Sheet